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Manulife Asia Pacific Investment Grade Bond Fund

Access high quality Asian bonds

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Potential stable income from quality sources

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Fund information​

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Access high quality Asian bonds



Many Asian countries are now of investment grade (IG) quality. Countries such as Indonesia and Philippines have had their sovereign credit ratings upgraded from non-IG to IG over the past decade. 


Sovereign rating trends over the past ten years1


When compared to other growth markets such as Latin America (LATAM) and Eastern Europe, Middle East & Africa (EEMEA), Asian economies are well supported by a cushion of about US$6+ trillion in foreign reserves. Having ample foreign reserves is essential in ensuring the stability of a country’s currency. 


Large foreign reserves2


 Asian bonds have offered better risk-adjusted returns than many other asset classes.


10-year risk/return profiles of major asset classes3


Potential stable income from quality sources




A portfolio of high quality Asia Pacific companies

Investing primarily in investment grade debt securities​ issued by governments and companies in the Asia Pacific region to provide stability. Maximum 5% in non-investment grade credit for potential capital growth



Adaptable to different interest rate environments

Duration range from 1–5 years



Receive potential regular income4

Potential monthly payout



Fund information


  Class A-MDis Class A
Investment objective The Fund aims to maximise total returns from a combination of capital appreciation and income generation through investing primarily in a diversified portfolio of investment grade debt securities issued by governments, agencies, supranationals and corporate issuers in the Asia Pacific region. 
Inception date​ 21 Jan 2014
ISIN code SG9999011142 SG9999011134
Bloomberg ticker MAIGBAM SP MAPIGBA SP
Base currency​ SGD
Mode of subscription Cash and SRS Cash, SRS, CPFIS-OA and CPFIS-SA
Share class currency SGD
Launch price SGD 1.00 per unit
Minimum investment SGD 1,000 SGD 1,000
Distribution frequency​​4 Monthly Not applicable
Management fee 0.75% p.a. 0.75% p.a.
Initial sales charge Up to 5.0%
Dealing frequency Daily
Investment manager Manulife Investment Management (Singapore) Pte. Ltd.
Fund size SGD 551.2 million (as of 31 May 2024)

Portfolio manager


Endre Pedersen​, Deputy Chief Investment Officer (CIO), Global Fixed Income

Based in London, Endre is Senior Managing Director, Deputy CIO, Global Fixed Income & CIO, Global Emerging Markets Fixed Income. He is the lead manager for the company’s pan-Asian fixed income strategies. Endre has extensive investment experience in developed Asian markets, having managed single- and multiple-currency funds with exposure to Asian sovereign and corporate debt. 

Before joining Manulife Investment Management, he worked as a Senior Fixed Income Portfolio Manager for DBS Asset Management. Prior to this, he was a Fixed Income Portfolio Manager for Hermes Investment Management and F&C Management in London.

Endre holds a Bachelor of Finance from the Strathclyde Business School at the University of Strathclyde, Scotland. Endre has completed studies in Responsible Investment at the PRI Academy.



1. Bloomberg, Foreign Currency Long-Term Rating, as of 31 Dec 2023.

2. Bloomberg, as of 31 Dec 2023.

3. Bloomberg, as of 31 Dec 2023. In US dollar terms for the period 1 Jan 2014 to 31 Dec 2023, unless otherwise noted. Asian bonds (ex-Japan) is represented by 50% Markit iBoxx ALBI + 50% JPMorgan Asia Credit Index; Asian High Yield is represented by J.P. Morgan Asian Credit Non-Investment Grade Index; Asian equities (ex-Japan) is represented by MSCI AC Asia Pacific ex Japan Index; EM Debt is represented by 50% JPMorgan GBI-EM Broad Index + 50% JPMorgan CEMBI Index; EM Equities is represented by MSCI Emerging Market Equity Index; Euro government bonds is represented by BofA Merrill Lynch Euro Government Index; Global aggregate bonds is represented by Bloomberg Barclays Global-Aggregate Total Return Index; Global corporate bonds is represented by BofA Merrill Lynch Global Corporate Index; Global equities is represented by MSCI World Index; Global high yield is represented by BofA Merrill Lynch Global High Yield Index; Money markets (cash) is represented by BofA Merrill Lynch US Dollar 3-Month Deposit Offered Rate Average Index; Real estate is represented by Dow Jones Composite REIT Total Return Index; US equities is represented by S&P 500 Index; US Treasuries is represented by BofA Merrill Lynch US Treasury Index. Risk is measured in terms of the standard deviation.

4. The intention of the Manager to make the monthly distribution and the distribution yield of the Fund is not guaranteed, and the Manager may in future review the distribution policy depending on prevailing market conditions.


Important Information

Manager of the Fund: Manulife Investment Management (Singapore) Pte. Ltd. (“Manulife”) (Company Registration Number: 200709952G). The information provided herein does not constitute financial advice, an offer or recommendation with respect to the Fund. Opinions, forecasts and estimates on the economy, financial markets or economic trends of the markets mentioned herein are not necessarily indicative of the future or likely performance of the Fund. The Fund may use financial derivative instruments for efficient portfolio management and/or hedging. 

Investments in the Fund are not deposits in, guaranteed or insured by the Manager and involve risks. Past performance of the manager or sub-manager is not necessarily indicative of its future performance. The value of units in the Fund and any income accruing to them may fall or rise. Past performance of the Fund is not necessarily indicative of future performance. Investors should read the prospectus, and seek advice from a financial adviser before deciding whether to purchase units in the Fund. A copy of the prospectus and the product highlights sheet can be obtained from Manulife or its distributors. In the event an investor chooses not to seek advice from a financial adviser, he should consider whether the Fund is suitable for him. ​

Distributions are not guaranteed. Investors should refer to the prospectus for the distribution policy of the Fund. The Manager shall have the absolute discretion to determine whether a distribution is to be made in respect of the Fund as well as the rate and frequency of distributions to be made. Distributions may be made out of (a) income, or (b) net realized gains, or (c) capital of the Fund, or (d) any combination of (a), (b) and/or (c). Past distribution yields and payments are not necessarily indicative of future distribution yields and payments. Any payment of distributions by the Fund is expected to result in an immediate decrease in the net asset value per unit of the Fund.​

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