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The coronavirs pandemic has crashed the global economy. As countries were left to court the costs, market uncertainties grew, with a greater focus on short-term fixes.

However, with the development of new vaccines, perhaps it is time to look further ahead and plan for the new normal.

A history of expertise and guidance


As a pioneer in insurance for over 130 years, prudent management is in our DNA. It is this commitment that enabled us to expand our network of investment hubs in 17 geographies and territories, with over 550 investment professionals worldwide, as well as manage a diversified range of portolios that aims to fulfil our client's ever-changing needs.


By continuing a history that dates back to the 1800s, Manulife Investment Managemant aims to help more investors capture greater income.



A history of expertise and guidance


As a pioneer in insurance for over 130 years, prudent management is in our DNA. It is this commitment that enabled us to expand our network of investment hubs in 17 geographies and territories, with over 550 investment professionals worldwide, as well as manage a diversified range of portolios that aims to fulfil our client's ever-changing needs.


By continuing a history that dates back to the 1800s, Manulife Investment Managemant aims to help more investors capture greater income.