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We share your vision and values. At Manulife Investment Management, we have developed a wide range of resources to help make sustainable investing easier and better. 

Led by Singapore-based Eric Nietsch, the Asia ESG team has joined forces with our global ESG team (established in 2015) to formally address sustainability considerations from a regional perspective. The team is dedicated to conducting ESG-related research that assesses the investment risks and opportunities associated with Asian companies, evaluates ESG exposure at the portfolio level, and defines and leads an active ownership agenda for the region. 

A global investment footprint with local ESG expertise1


Our ESG specialists based in Singapore and Hong Kong will tell you the different aspects of the importance of ESG in Asia. Let’s meet our Asia ESG team by clicking to watch!

How we help our clients

  • Manulife Investment Management has an extensive global footprint with more than 625 investment professionals and operates in 19 geographies2
  •  We have access to local research and a sustainability team based in Asia
  • The teams’ average industry experience is 25+ years
  • Support comes from sustainability and investment expertise that spans public and private markets and multi-asset solutions3
  • More sustainable investing products and natural climate solutions are in the pipeline.

To find out more, contact us.

1 We are also asset managers of timber assets and green-certified buildings in a portfolio that we manage. Note that certain assets are not applicable to retail investors. Note: i) The contents herein may not be appropriate for use in all locations. The transactions, products or services may not be available or appropriate for sale or use in all locations, or by all investors. ii) Unless otherwise noted, any references herein to ESG or sustainability reflect the general approach of Manulife Investment Management to integrating sustainability risk considerations into our investment decision-making processes, which may not be extended to any third-party product offered or distributed through Manulife Investment Management. iii) Manulife Investment Management looks to incorporate material ESG considerations throughout the stages of our investment and asset ownership lifecycles, taking into account the characteristics of the asset class and investment process in question, as well as industry and geography, among other factors. Each investment team operates in different markets and with different nuances to its approach to investing. Accordingly, each team integrates ESG factors into its investment process in a manner that best aligns with its investment approach.

2 Manulife Investment Management, as of March 31, 2023. Manulife Investment Management’s global investment professional team includes expertise from several Manulife IM affiliates and joint ventures; not all entities represent all asset classes. 

3 Manulife Investment Management looks to incorporate material ESG considerations throughout the stages of our investment and asset ownership lifecycles, taking into account the characteristics of the asset class and investment process in question, as well as industry and geography, among other factors. Each investment team operates in different markets and with different nuances to its approach to investing. Accordingly, each team integrates ESG factors into its investment process in a manner that best aligns with its investment approach.